Crabtree & Evelyn
CLIENT: Crabtree & Evelyn
SECTOR: Retail,beauty
DELIVERABLES: conceptual christmas gifts
Crabtree & Evelyn recently re-structured and re-branded to reach a broad audience, they now look very different compared to 50 years ago. They are still working with their heart values and aiming to connect people and cultures. Living by the motto “Explore everything. Keep the best.”
• Working conceptually on Christmas gift packaging: one box to be filled with your favourites.
• The box to communicate any or many of the keys: Christmas, gifting or travelling
• The inner box to be used for future gift campaigns exchanging the outer sleeve.
I worked closely and successfully with Crabtree & Evelyn’s Global Creative Director carefully following the new branding and strategy. Here presenting some of the ideas and the final result developed by the in house team.